A Compensation Method for MWC Hardware Based on Single Measurement
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Updated Time:2022-12-22 20:01:02
Poster Presentation
Modulated wideband converter (MWC) is a sub-Nyquist sampling structure that is used in spectrum sensing, cognitive radio, and other fields of the wideband sparse signal. For the MWC hardware system, frequency domain compensation and calibration are needed to eliminate the influence of analog devices. The frequency response of the MWC system needs to be obtained for compensation. This paper proposes a frequency response measurement method for the MWC system based on a single measurement. This method can obtain the frequency response of the MWC system without disconnecting any circuit components and only need a single measurement, which greatly reduces the complexity of compensation and avoids the error caused by multiple measurements. A MWC board is used to verify the proposed measurement method, the NMSE of the reconstructed signal is -16.31dB with an input SNR of 30dB.
compressed sensing;modulated wideband converter;compensation method;response measurement
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